Articles and Speeches by Suzanne
Selected Articles
Suzanne Massie has written hundreds of articles for magazines and newspapers. Here is a small sample of her work. |
C-SPAN, Apr. 14, 2014

Open forum transcript
By Suzanne Massie
The Secretary's Open Forum, Dec. 3, 1999
U.S. Department of State |
Speech, Dec. 3, 1986
By Suzanne Massie
Part 1.
By Suzanne Massie
The Gilcrease;
by Suzanne Massie |
The Grand Duke Alexis in the U.S.A. - Part 2.
By Suzanne Massie
The Gilcrease;
by Suzanne Massie |
"There is no city I know better, no St. Petersburg street corner that does not hold memories" - Suzanne Massie
By Suzanne Massie.
Town & Country Travel; Winter 2004 ;
by Suzanne Massie |
Selected Speeches
For over 30 years Suzanne has given hundreds of lectures and speeches in 46 of the 50 states. Here are a few of them. |
A Personal Testimony By Suzanne Massie
"I come to you today to testify to the importance of Russian culture and the Russian church in one life – my own. People whom I meet -- whether they are Russians or Americans -- always seem to ask me the same question. How is it, they ask, that I an American, have become so interested in Russia and Russian culture when it is not my native background? Always there is not only curiosity, in this question, but even incredulity. Each time I answer the question in the same way. Yes, I say, there are some facts and reasons I can give you, but essentially there remains something mysterious, unexplained and wonderful, in the true sense of that word. It is finally, simply a question of love. Love is always a mystery. No one can define it exactly, but when it happens it is the most real and important thing in one's existence. "
Commencement Address; June 7, 1981;
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary
Jordanville, New York |
by Suzanne Massie
"Thank you Mr. Warnke, thank you Wren. I thank the Committee for National Security for according me this award and great honor which touches me very much.
I deeply love my own country and people -- and it has happened that I have come to know and love another country and people whom we regarded as enemy. I began my work twenty three years ago. Since then I have come to know hundreds of Russians from every walk of life. The Russian people and culture have enriched my life and have now become as familiar to me as my own. When I began it was not easy and sometimes even dangerous for us to be friends. It was definitely not a time of glasnost. Shadowy men who frowned on such contacts skulked in corners. We were often harassed and frightened, and passed through some very dark days. Yet somehow we managed to reach out, to trust each other and to maintain friendships -- friendships made all the more precious because they were forced to survive barriers, long separations, enforced silence and distance. Many years have now gone by. Some of those whom I first met when they were babies are now married and having children of their own. I am proud to have a godchild in the Soviet Union born on Christmas day two and a half years ago and six other children who call me aunt -- one, who calls me “Aunt America,” a name that particularly delights me."
Speech delivered to the Committee for National Security;
Washington, D.C.
May 2, 1989 |
Why Are We Always Wrong about Russia?
Speech by Suzanne Massie
"I have been studying, working and going to Russia for 34 years. From the beginning I was lucky enough to meet and get to know a wide variety of Russians. During these many years whenever I went, it was always apparent that what I saw and heard was often diametrically different from both the official and the journalistic perception in the United States. I came to call it my worm’s eye view. The more I studied Russian history and culture the more I saw that the picture was always far more nuanced and complex than the judgments often characteristic of the American approach to affairs Russian. Today I can offer some glimpses -- but the most important thing is the question itself.."
Speech by Suzanne Massie;
World Affairs Council;
May 16, 2001 |
THE NEW RUSSIAN SPIRIT: How Strong Is It? What Lies Beyond Containment?
By Suzanne Massie
"Today is May 1. In the Soviet Union, this day will begin the celebration of the greatest week of holidays of the whole year. In an unusual conjunction which happens only once every five or six years, the most important secular and religious holidays will be celebrated in the same week. May 1 falls this year during Holy Week of the Orthodox Church. Today is Holy Thursday; tomorrow Good Friday; Saturday night through Sunday the most profound, important and holy feast day of the Orthodox Church, Easter.."
Speech given at:
Smithsonian Institute; May 1, 1986;
Wirth Seminar in the Cannon Caucus Room; May2, 1986
Academic and military venues of lectures and speeches include:
- Harvard Russian Research Center (now The Davis Center for Russian Studies, Cambridge, MA
- Georgetown University, Washington, DC
- Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
- Government Institute, University of California, Davis, CA
- National Democratic Women’s Club, Washington, DC
- Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Chicago, Boston, Providence and Miami
- World Affairs Council, Washington, DC
- Secretary’s Open Forum, State Department
- Foreign Service Institute, Washington, DC
- West Point Military Academy, West Point, NY
- Naval War College, Newport, RI
- Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL
- University of Maine, Orono, ME
- Eckerd College, St.Petersburg, FL
Cultural venues of lectures and consultations include:
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
- National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
- Kimball Museum, Fort Worth, TX
- Frick Museum, Pittsburgh, PA
- Los Angeles Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
- Hillwood Museum, Washington, DC
- American Friends of the Hermitage State Museum, New York, NY
- Episcopal General Convention
- World Affairs Council, Washington, DC
- Russian Cultural Center, Washington, DC
- Portland Museum of Art, Portland, OR
Russian venues:
- St. Petersburg:
- House of Scientists
- U.S. Information Center
- Galitzine Library
- Press Center
- Moscow:
- International Women’s Club
- Russian Cultural Foundation
- University of the Humanities