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Selected Articles about Suzanne

There have been hundreds of articles written about Suzanne over the years in the US and Russian press. Here is a small sampling.

Suzanne Massie, Reagan's Russian whisperer in Cold War, dies at 94

The Washington Post, January 30, 2025

The Monitor [radio interview]

KPFT, Apr. 14, 2014


Cold War Relations [video]

KERA, Apr. 9, 2014


Revisiting the adage 'trust but verify'

Russia Beyond the Headlines, Apr. 2, 2014
by Nora FitzGerald


Suzanne Suzanne Massie: Reagan and Russia [radio interview]

Radio Open Source, Mar. 20, 2014


Suzanne Massie taught President Ronald Reagan this important Russian phrase: 'Trust, but verify'

PRI, Mar. 7, 2014
Producer Nina Porzucki


Local Expert on Russia Talks Reagan and Sochi

WABI TV, Feb. 17, 2014
by Robert Long


Maine author's memoir offers behind-the-scenes look at Reagan, how Cold War ended

Bangor Daily News, Feb. 14, 2014
by Robert Long


Trust But Verify: The "woman who ended the Cold War" releases her memoirs

Juicy Ecumenism, Dec. 2, 2013
by Ryan Hunter


The Lady Who Warmed Up the Cold War

The Daily Beast, Mar. 10, 2009
by James Mann


Suzanne Massie's Advice to President Obama: Revive Reagan's Policy toward Russia

Russia: Other Points of View, Dec. 5, 2008
by W. George Krasnow


Reagan's Evolving Views of Russians and their Relevance Today

Wilson Center, Dec. 1, 2008
by Mary Elizabeth Malinkin


The St. Petersburg Times about Suzanne Massie

Suzanne Massie

Creative Connections: The Swiss-American author and scholar recalls her life-long love affair with Russia.

Suzanne Massie was a political advisor on Russian affairs to Ronald Reagan.

The St. Petersburg Times; White Nights; 2004
by Simone Kozuharov

Sobaka.ru; #4(39); 2004

A Love Affair With the Land of the Firebird

Moscow Times, Feb. 20, 1996
by Rachel Katz


Hemalog about Suzanne Massie

At First, Small Miracles

The Firebird Foundation in Russia.

Russian children with hemophilia, victims of almost non-existent medical treatment languish in their homes. Suzanne Massie vows to help.

Hemalog; Volume 5; Number 2; August 1994
by Diane O'Connell

Agent of Influence

Around St. Petersburg with the woman who warmed Ronald Reagan's feelings toward the erstwhile "evil empire".

The Atlantic; Feb 1993; Vol 271; Iss 2; pg. 28
by Christopher Lydon


Knowing the mystery and suffering of Russia

Writer-historian Suzanne Massie helped reshape Ronald Reagan's view of the Soviet People.

The Boston Globe; Monday, November 12, 1990
by Joseph P. Kahn

New York Times about Suzanne Massie

A Russian Expert Who Has the President's Ear

"The Russians are human beings, for heaven's sake." - Suzanne Massie

The New York Times; September 26, 1985

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